About Books Inc.

We love a good read and we sincerely wish to share our passion for reading with others. There you have it.

The Team Behind Books Inc.

Our roots are humble. Our team is small. Yet we are a multinational, multilingual powerhouse of energy and dedication who wish to bring the very best of the world of literature to you. It sounds like a little introduction might be in order then. Come and meet the people who are the heart and soul of Books Inc.


deeDaniëlle is a multi-talented mother of five children who has many years of experience in website development. Daniëlle used her entrepreneurial drive to establish her web presence via her virtual assistant business, virtual-efficiency.nl. A natural speed reader, she can devour vast amounts of written word at a pace that is mind-boggling and is also able to punch out code like there is no tomorrow.


LuisFrom tropical Vera Cruz, Mexico, Luis brings a very impressive intellectual pedigree to the team. Trained in Theology and Philosophy, he is fluent in four languages. He is a very deep thinker and, of course, an avid reader. His background has benefitted him with a broad and varied exposure to the literary world. He is a highly recommend guest to invite to a party if you are looking for stimulating and entertaining conversation around the dinner table.


seamusFrom sunny Down Under, Australia, Seamus loves reading, writing, and rock’n’roll. Not necessarily in that order. He enjoys nothing more than a good book, a good red, and a good rock song. You will find him at his happiest when he is slightly inebriated and be putting his profound thoughts and insights to paper.

There you have it, the heart of the business. The truth is that here at Books Inc. we love a good read, and we sincerely wish to share our passion for reading with others. We also want to help you transform your love of reading into a way of generating a source of income, just as we have done. We scour the web to bring together the best books online -asking less than the price of a cup of coffee for our humble efforts- and then work to develop outstanding programs to help you achieve your success as well. As we grow, we will help you grow by adding more and more new and exciting resources to our catalogue here at Books Inc. Stay tuned!

Daniëlle, Luis & Seamus,
The Books Inc. Team